Yui is the heroine, and as far as heroine's in anime go she has a pretty bland personality, which is the norm when a game like Diabolik Lovers is turned into an anime. Why do all these brothers have such horrible pasts. And since he keeps himself to himself he's very alone and isolated. I feel pretty sorry for Subaru, he had no one to rely on and never really had much of a mother figure. All this hate his mother threw at Sunaru made him think that everything that happened was his fault. His mother, Christa who had become mentally ill when she had Subaru, and grown to hate and dispise him since he was a child born out of incest with the Vampire King, whom she had loved but then had also hated for using her.

He has a pretty violent personality and very distrustful. But he is still related to them as he is another son of the vampire king.

Subaru is the outsider in the family, shown by his white hair and red eyes compared to the rest of the brothers. But as bad as he can be sometimes, he's still never treated as a 'bad guy'. Kanato's appearance etc may appear rather sweet but in reality he is crazed and mentally unstable. His self harming and making "dolls" all stem from his Mother, who also didn't give him much attention like with Laito but gave him some attention when she wanted him to sing or encouraging him in the activity of making "dolls". He carries a bear called Teddy and loves sweets. Kanato appears to be the most childish out of the brothers. I have to admit he is a very seducing vampire. Laito is my probably my second favourite character. I love how the hat he wears helps to bring out Laito's personality and his significant difference from his brothers. Laito is very cheeky, and has a sort of perverted personality but a lot of this personality is due to his mother's neglect and the incestuous relationship they had had. I love his complex personality and he is one of the more attractive brother's out of the 6 in my opinion. He's probably my favourite character as even with his traumatic childhood he is still a good guy and even though he seems harsh at first, he's very caring. At lot of pressure was put on him due to being the "oldest" and the son of the vampire king. He is traditionally the oldest brother even though he is biologically the youngest. His attitude is due to his mother, Cordelia, who mistreated him the most out of the 3 brothers, who include Kanato and Laito. But he is still an interesting character, his hobby of collecting tableware is fabulous and without him the whole house would be in shambles. I can't say I'm a massive fan of Reiji, I could never be fully fond of a male with glasses that make them look more smart and snobbish. Even though he is Shu's younger brother, he is more of the older brother and he makes sure everything is in order rather than Shu. This is probably because of his want to prove himself to his mother who would only give most of her attention to Shu and ignore him. He's very strict and traditionalist, just like his mother Beatrix was. The bossy one out of the Sakamaki Brothers. He has a pretty soothing presence and helps to add to the mysterious aura surrounding Diabolik Lovers since he's so quiet and hard to figure out at times. Shu loves listening to music and is the older Brother of Reiji. He's a calm person most of the time unless it concerns past events and he doesn't seem to show much care but he probably does inside. Your opinions are important and we would love to hear your thoughts about this selection.The leading figure of the Sakamaki Brother's. The story of the vampire family continued in the second season, and fans were able to fall for more characters. There are plenty of them to choose from, as we mentioned in the beginning.
The charming part of the series is the main cast of men. This concludes our list of the best Diabolik Lovers characters. He tortures Yui and uses her when he feels like it. Ruki is focused only on his goals and won’t mind if others are hurt to achieve them. He is naturally inclined to judge others and not treat them with respect. His superior knowledge and position in the family make him superior.

Ruki is similar to Reiji from the Sakamaki family. Innocent Yui now has to suffer because of his zealous attitude. He was the son of a wealthy family and didn’t worry about his servants’ well-being in his human life. Ruki is a leader and trusts only his own decisions. Ruki radiates confidence and seems to always know what he is doing. It’s time to name the fourth and last Mukami brother, and Ruki is it.